
Thursday, February 16, 2012

2011: A Space Odyssey (Welcome Back)

This is one of my favorite photos because it's just silly.

 This is one of my favorite photos because the subject is interesting. You can almost see what they're thinking by the expressions on their faces.

This is one of my favorite photos because it just seems odd to me. Why have a guy with a gun guarding a pile of brick weed in the back of a truck when you could just put it in a van?

The best song of 2011

I don't really listen to new music, but I guess the song released in 2011 that I like the most is Pumped Up Kicks. I think the lyrics are beyond shitty, but the bassline is alright and the whole thing just gets stuck in your head pretty easily. It's supposed to be about Columbine or whatever, but I think that's bullshit. If you're going to write a song about that, you should actually make your lyrics mean something. Fucking kids these days, man.

 The best movie of 2011

I haven't seen a movie in a theater in at least two years so I really can't say on this one. However, I do think that movies these days are shitty. Most of them have pathetic CGI, which is weird because one would think that with all the advanced graphic software these days, studios could make something look a little more realistic. They also just seem to be the same garbage repeated over and over again, with little variation.
Don't even get me started on 3D movies. I think it's funny that people are so easily amused by something popping out of a screen. The plots are terrible and those blue and red lens glasses just give you a headache.

Most important news story

I guess Kim Jong-il dying is pretty major. He was a pretty evil dictator and all, but it's not like it's going to get any better over there in N. Korea what with his son or brother or whatever set to take over. At first he was Kim Jong-ok, but now he really is Kim Jong-ill.

Most important person of 2011

Mark Zuckerberg. He's the bastard who created facebook and is probably enjoying his shit-tons of money right now. Good or bad, he's definitely changed how the world works. Thanks to him I get to listen to a bunch of who posted what, he said she said bullshit in school everyday. Thanks, Mark (:

Sports/entertainment story

I'm seriously out of the loop if you can't already tell, so I'm just gonna go with the SUPER BOWL. It happens every year and people seem to like it, so it must be important. 

Get it?

My holiday. Yay.

1. Probably the only thing I'll remember from the break is new year's eve. I went to my girlfriend's house (we broke up finally, praise Allah) and we both got hammered and had fun and all that.

2. My one resolution is to stop being a degenerate.

3. I'm looking forward to getting another year over with and just having a good time. If the world is really going to end in December, then I better try to live a little bit.

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